Thursday, October 19, 2006


Verona was one of the places that we visited on the Thursday of our trip. Dont you find sometimes when you go to a large town/city you feel if you seen it before. As Morven and I walked into the piazza Bra, the main square we really felt it's uniquness. This main square was pretty large and was probably the largest in Italy. As we approached the main square we were confronted by the arena where many gladiators had fought many years ago.
We also had the opportunity to visit Juliets house and stand in that famous balcony! We did not realise that these were two familys who had lived in the area who were at war with each other. It wasnt just a fictional story!
As we only were there for half a day we only touched the "iceberg" of the town so to speak. But maybe another time we will get to explore more. I may write up a bit more in a week or so time.

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